Our Beginning

Weaving our way through life's winding roads, each of us embarks on a unique journey. Amid our diverse experiences, there is a common thread that unites us—the overwhelming transition from high school to the vast possibilities of the future. It's a phase filled with uncertainties and questions, but it's also a time brimming with potential and opportunity. Embracing this shared challenge, we founded Open Road Consulting, a women-owned and operated business committed to empowering young individuals to navigate this critical phase with interest, intent, and understanding.

Our drive to create Open Road stems from our personal experiences navigating this transition and conversations with countless individuals who have grappled with the same challenges. In facing these moments, we began to realize how universal some of these experiences are, and how being equipped with information can help empower individuals in that time of their life. We refuse to accept the notion that this period of transition should be characterized by feeling overwhelmed or isolated. Instead, we believe in working collaboratively to offer the support, knowledge, and guidance necessary for individuals to shape their own futures.

We believe in the importance of thoughtful considerations when exploring various paths, and acknowledge that everyone's journey is unique. Whether it's pursuing higher education, vocational training, entrepreneurship, or alternative routes, we are here to guide and support young individuals in discovering what truly resonates with their aspirations and values. In addition to our comprehensive approach to advising, we specialize in essay support, encompassing idea conception, drafting, and editing, as well as resume help. Ultimately, we are excited by the opportunity to meet the needs of each individual, wherever they may be. 

Our commitment extends beyond offering guidance. At Open Road, we strive to foster a community—a network of support, encouragement, and understanding. We are fellow travelers who have persevered through storms to overcome obstacles, and believe that the wisdom we’ve earned from those experiences can benefit others. We bring this collective wisdom and genuine care to every interaction, ensuring that no one feels alone on their journey.

With deep gratitude, we embrace the opportunity to merge our work with our genuine passion for guiding young individuals through the transition from high school to a promising future. As we all set off on this journey, we eagerly welcome the challenges, celebrate the milestones, and look forward to growing together through it all. Our unique paths led us to establish Open Road Consulting, but the ultimate destination lies within your aspirations. Where do you envision your road leading?

Let’s navigate together ☀️


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