Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Common Application, often referred to as the Common App, is an online college application platform used by hundreds of colleges and universities in the United States. It provides a standardized format for students to complete their personal information, academic history, extracurricular activities, and essay responses. By using the Common App, students can save time and effort by filling out one application instead of completing separate applications for each college. However, it's important to note that while many colleges accept the Common App, some colleges have their own separate application systems, so students may still need to complete additional applications for those institutions.

  • The college essay, also commonly known as the personal statement or Common App essay, is an important part of the college application process in many universities and colleges. As colleges have prioritized more holistic application review processes, the college essay has become even more essential. It is an opportunity for students to provide insights into their personal experiences, values, aspirations, and unique qualities that may not be evident from other parts of their application, such as grades and test scores. The essay is typically limited to 650 words, which can vary depending on the institution's requirements.

    Given that many institutions accept the Common Application, students typically have the choice between seven prompts to select. They then send that essay to several schools. If an institution does not accept the Common Application, the essay prompts may vary from one institution to another, but they generally invite students to reflect on a specific topic or share a personal story. The prompts can be open-ended, allowing students to choose a topic of their choice, or they may be more specific, focusing on themes like diversity, challenges overcome, or an influential person in their life.

  • The purpose of the college essay is to give admissions officers a glimpse into the applicant's personality, character, and potential to contribute to the campus community. It allows students to showcase their writing skills, critical thinking abilities, and their ability to articulate their thoughts and ideas effectively. It's important for students to approach their college essay as an opportunity to share their authentic self and make a meaningful connection with the admissions committee. They should take time to brainstorm, draft, revise, and edit their essay, seeking feedback from trusted individuals to enhance its quality. A well-crafted essay can strengthen an application and provide a compelling narrative that sets the applicant apart from others.

    Concerned about how to start the essay? Take a look at our services, and maybe we can help you!

  • Our suggestion is to begin working on your essay the summer before your senior year, to allow the maximum amount of time to perfect it. You’ll finalize your essay just before submitting it in the fall of your senior year!

  • Your essay has a maximum word count of 650 words (about a page and a half).

Personal Statement & Supplemental Essays